Industrial Property Department provides scientific researches and law-drafting activity in the sphere of humanization of National Legislation and the Legislation of EU, researches and works out the scientific backgrounds for the State Policy in the sphere of Industrial Property, provides interdisciplinary researches in the sphere of IP Law, Bioethics and Biosafety, IP and Human Rights. The Department also provides researches in the fields of IP and "green economy" and of the role and legal nature of trademarks, geographical names and companies in the post-industrial economy.

The experts of the Department take part in the law-drafting Working Groups of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, State Patent Office and others.

The partners of the Department are the scientific educational and scientific institutions and non-governmental organizations: the University of Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain), Bogomolets National Medical University of Kyiv, Danylo Galytsky Lviv National Medical University, UNDP, Renaissance Foundation, All-Ukrainian Foundation of Medical Law and Bioethics, Network of PHIV, Patients of Ukraine and others.

We are opened for cooperation.



Оksana КASHYNTSEVA, Ph.D. in Law
Head of Department 

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   +380 (44) 200-08-76 



Scientific Researcher

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Scientific Researcher

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 +380 (44) 200-08-76 

Сontact us

Get advice on intellectual property issues.


Kazymyra Malevycha str., 11, building 4, 13 floor, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine

Phone: +38 (044) 200 08 76